A little bit about myself; born in 1968 in Tanzania, grew up in Friesland (the Netherlands) and live nowadays in Utrecht. I studied psychology for a while but switched to photography, have been working as a photographer for many years. There always has been an interest in combining photography with drawing and painting and the computer opened up even more ways to combine photography with drawing. It resulted in what you see now on my website, drawing combined with digital painting is slowly taking over my creative process.
You can contact me (see further down the page) for available prints and prices.
Art & Illustration
When interested in my illustration skills please use that contact thing further down the page or call me, my phone number is also on this page.
8-9 september 2012: Fort aan de Klop
23 september 2012: Open Atelierroute 2012 Oog in Al
april t/m juni 2012 Theater Achterom Hilversum
31 okt t/m 2 nov 2015 deelname aan expositie ‘Grenzen van elastiek' in Maastricht
31 juli t/m 3 juni 2018 deelname aan expositie ‘Art of Life’ in Utrecht
Ronald Brokke
Alberdingk Thijmstraat 54
3532VL Utrecht
The Netherlands
(Netherlands: 06-26374783)
Please feel free to contact me;
Thank you!